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Shenzhen Cozoney Technologies
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wifi home intruder alarm systems
Specification: GSM home alarm system with Voice and App
Detail: iOS & Android App available; SMS alert pushing without delay; Family members be authorized to synchronize settings ; Up to 20 Smart switches supported; each switch can be renamed ; Up to 24 defense zones ,each zone...
gsm home intruder alarm systems
Specification: GSM home alarm system with Voice and App
Detail: ¡ñ 4 wired and 99 wireless defense zones ¡ñ LCD screen with time clock display ¡ñ Voice prompt for all operations, can customize all kinds of different languages ¡ñ 3 groups of timing Arm & Disarm ¡ñ Can store 6 phone numb...
gsm home intruder alarm systems
Specification: GSM home alarm system with Voice and App
Detail: ¡ñ 4 wired and 99 wireless defense zones ¡ñ LCD screen with time clock display ¡ñ Voice prompt for all operations, can customize all kinds of different languages ¡ñ 3 groups of timing Arm & Disarm ¡ñ Can store 6 phone numb...
gsm home intruder alarm systems with multi-language voice
Specification: GSM home alarm system with Voice and App
Detail: ¡ñ 4 wired and 99 wireless defense zones ¡ñ LCD screen with time clock display ¡ñ Voice prompt for all operations, can customize all kinds of different languages ¡ñ 3 groups of timing Arm & Disarm ¡ñ Can store 6 phone numb...
gsm home intruder alarm systems
Specification: GSM home alarm system with Voice and App
Detail: ¡ñ 4 wired and 99 wireless defense zones ¡ñ LCD screen with time clock display ¡ñ Voice prompt for all operations, can customize all kinds of different languages ¡ñ 3 groups of timing Arm & Disarm ¡ñ Can store 6 phone numb...
wireless gsm home alarm system with touch keypad
Specification: wireless smart GSM alarm systems with APP
Detail: ¡ö 99 defense zones and 6 zone types of each ¡ö 6 timers for arm/disarm ¡ö 6 phone numbers for alarm calls/SMS alert ¡ö 12 secs voice messages for alert ¡ö 60 arm/disarm/alarm records obtained ¡ö SMS alert ...
smart gsm home alarm systems with app control
Specification: wireless GSM alarm systems with APP and touch screen
Detail: ¡ö 99 defense zones and 6 zone types of each ¡ö 6 timers for arm/disarm ¡ö 6 phone numbers for alarm calls/SMS alert ¡ö 12 secs voice messages for alert ¡ö 60 arm/disarm/alarm records obtained ¡ö SMS alert ...
wireless gsm home alarm systems
Specification: wireless smart GSM alarm systems with APP
Detail: ¡ö 99 defense zones and 6 zone types of each ¡ö 6 timers for arm/disarm ¡ö 6 phone numbers for alarm calls/SMS alert ¡ö 12 secs voice messages for alert ¡ö 60 arm/disarm/alarm records obtained ¡ö SMS alert ...
wireless gsm alarm systems for house burglary protection
Specification: wireless smart GSM alarm systems with APP
Detail: ¡ö 99 defense zones and 6 zone types of each ¡ö 6 timers for arm/disarm ¡ö 6 phone numbers for alarm calls/SMS alert ¡ö 12 secs voice messages for alert ¡ö 60 arm/disarm/alarm records obtained ¡ö SMS alert ...
wireless gsm alarm systems
Specification: wireless smart GSM alarm systems with APP
Detail: ¡ö 99 defense zones and 6 zone types of each ¡ö 6 timers for arm/disarm ¡ö 6 phone numbers for alarm calls/SMS alert ¡ö 12 secs voice messages for alert ¡ö 60 arm/disarm/alarm records obtained ¡ö SMS alert ...
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